4 Mistakes to Avoid in College
College is the time we learn extensively.
The most useful things we learn, however, do not earn us any credit hours. Yet
they certainly add value to our expertise in life. We learn those things by
making mistakes. Here is my doleful list and I bid you not to follow my steps
if you can. Just take the ready-made wisdom to heart and forgo the mistakes I
(together with generations of students before me) made for you.
Procrastinating until the very last moment
I know you do it. I did it too. You could
easily write that damn essay and forget about it, but you never feel like
writing it. Maybe tomorrow the inspiration will strike? Or some other week. Or…
And here you are, still not feeling like writing and the paper in question is
due tomorrow.
I was lucky enough to stumble upon some reviews of PaperHelp.org
while I searched frantically who could get me out of this mess. Still,
this last-minute panic is not something I would wish upon my worst enemies.
Start working on your assignments the moment you receive the handouts. You
think that by avoiding unpleasant work you are being easy on yourself. This is
quite the reverse! You are doing yourself a huge disservice and the future you
won’t thank you for the sleepless night before the deadline.
Saying yes to everything
If you are born and raised to be a
people-pleaser unable to say no, they will eat you alive in college. You will
be there at every party, every charity event, every match supporting your team
– all day long. And at night, you will write group projects all by yourself
because they asked you to.
Don’t say yes just because you are afraid
to appear rude or unsociable. Learn to decline politely. Practice it in front
of a mirror if you must. FYI, “I don’t want to” and “I don’t feel like it” are
legit reasons, so do not invent being sick or some equally pathetic excuses.
Imagine the embarrassment when they find you out and call you up on this.
Partying like there’s no tomorrow
Some may tut this as a to-do item on the
college bucket list but I advise you not to. Tomorrow will come and with it the
hangover. Also, if you are a girl on campus and you have
no recollection of what you did after that last drink, you’ll be lucky if
it’s only the headache and a hairy tongue. And, possibly, some embarrassing
videos of your dubious choreography going viral on Twitter.
Losing control may feel liberating and
cool, but it’s dangerous. Drinking to the point of passing out and not
remembering the night before looks fun only in cheesy comedies. Know your
limits and never exceed them. By the
way, if you are under 21 you limit is 0. You are allowed by all means to get
socially drunk and sugar high, though.
Choosing the major you actually hate
Unfortunately, that’s not the rarest of
cases. Sometimes young people bend their will to please parents, sometimes they
conform to the societal expectations, sometimes they are tempted by lucrative
career prospects. Then they are stuck with the degree that certifies their
competence in the loathsome field and they feel miserable and disappointed.
I am not a dreamer in rose-tinted glasses.
I know that we cannot all become entrepreneurs following their passion. Being
practical about investment in your education and your future is absolutely
fine. However, I want to remind you that it’s your life. You must decide how
you want to spend it. Don’t let other people do it for you.
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